So if you ever want a different movie experience, sit down and watch a classic with with a 3 year old. Yesterday, we watched the Sound of Music.
"Daddy, Why are the police mans after those singer guys" "Daddy, What's a nazi" "Why"
Ever notice that the Van Trapps were able get their whole troup around everywhere in a 2 dr car. Today, you'd need a 15 passenger van and a special licence to transport their whole gang. Perhaps that is why the "police mans were after the singer guys" they didn't have their seat belts on... hmmm....
Eva was 17 months old yesterday. Isaac informed his mother the other day... "Eva's not a baby anymore, she's my best friend"
Big day in the Mackay house yesterday, the boy went pooh on the potty all by himself and is rather excited about it. I have refrained from posting a picture of this event.
So Tanya signed us up to do some TV survey to see what station's we watch and for how long. Sounded interesting but then they sent us the paperwork. There is a book that has to go at each tv and you have to fill all this junk out every time you sit down to watch tv, who is watching, channel, station, program, time watched... etc... it's a pain in the butt. I was going to watch sportsdesk last night but then I looked at the book and decided against it. We've hardly watched any tv cause there's too much paperwork! If you are looking for incentive to cut back on your tv watching, perhaps you could sign up for this survey!
1. Yesterday, we were getting ready to leave for the babysitter and he informed us he wanted to stay home alone. We asked who would make him lunch and if he'd really like being home alone to which he replied, "Jesus is Gonna be with me"
2. Today, we were getting him dressed and he starting calling his mother... "Mommy, come here, there's a booger in my bed, it's disgusting" Sure enough, he had picked his nose and left it on his sheets.