Wednesday, February 25, 2009

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6 Months

Hard to believe but our little Faithy is 6 months old today. Where has the time gone. She is growing too quickly and outgrowing her baby bath at a fast rate. This picture had to be edited for obvious reasons but the full picture shows her feet busting out of the bottom of her tub. She really should be in the big bathtub. Ah well, if you wish to see the full version of this picture, please be in attendance at her wedding in about 30 years and we'll show you it there:)
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Monday, February 23, 2009

Wipe Out

Pretty In Pink

My Special Girls
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Welcome Back

My Gambling ways are back...:)
Welcome back my Roll Up The Rim Friend... You make a bad day good
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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mackay Game Night

It was Mackay Insurance Game Night. We were the title sponsor for the night and we had a booth as well as renting the suite and we entertained our staff and families. Was a fun evening

Eva and Bullie. There was a time that Eva wouldn't come within a 15 mile radius of any mascot. She has come a lont way

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94 for the year

The boy finished up hockey yesterday. Final year of Tim Bits hockey.

He officially beat me in the goal department 94-9. I had him early in the year ... actually until the first time he played and then he passed me. Boy oh boy.

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Sledding on the Hill

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Hotel For Dogs

After skating this afternoon, took the kids to the movie theatre, and for all you staunch baptist... a film, not a movie:)

Very Cute movie... my fear is that after seeing it, they'd want a dog but Isaac seems convinced if get a dog, it'll eat their fish so I think we're good for a while

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Family Day Hockey

The pond is in great shape this weekend. Our friends just moved to the neighborhood and came over this morning for some pond hockey. According to Isaac, we won 39-30. Only he would keep track.

Charles has put in a water fall pump and we tested it out today and it's still working so we'll run it tonight and hopefully will flood the ice and make it smooth again.

Eva working the blades again. Slowly but surely, she'll learn to skate.

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Family Day Skate

So we were supposed to head to kingston for the weekend but the kids woke up and weren't feeling great and the thought of the 5 of us in 1 room with coughing children was enough to cause us to canel the trip.

Instead we decided to do a few fun things. Haven't skated all winter on the pond and it turns out mild conditions followed by cold snap floods the pond pretty good

Tanya & Faithy

For Christmas this year, I bought Tanya some new ice skates. Isaac had noted that he'd never seen his mother ever skate so he asked if she could skate with him today.
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Church Valentines Banquet

Went to the church tonight for a valentines banquet. Was very nice. Had a really nice roast beef dinner, and we watched the movie Fire Proof.

We sat at a table with our friends Mark & Aimee and Steve & Lisa. Was the first time Steve & Lisa have been out together just the two of them since before December. Was so good to see them all

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Saturday, February 14, 2009


Tanya tells me all the time, Faith has my buggy eyes.... I don't see it:)
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Happy valentines day

So we have some things planned on the 14th so I decided to do our own valentines day on the 12th. Had the day planned and we were to go out for dinner and then to a concert at the empire. Unfortunately Isaac got a temp so we had to stay home and cancel the plans. After some initial disappointment, tried to make the best of it and had a very romantic candle lit dinner with the kids. The thought it was cool to have the lights off with candel. Best laid plans...
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Sunday, February 08, 2009

Games Night

Sunday Night is quickly becoming a family favorite. We played Yahtzee or "Nazi" as the boy called it. Wasn't expecting to try and explain Hitler and the holocaust during a friendly game of dice but...
Isaac crushed us with 2 "Nazi's" Never thought I'd say that in a sentance in my life

Not sure eva understood but she concept. We told her to leave certain dice down but she insisted on re rolling everything again. Ah, she was having fun

Faithy getting into the action

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