Thursday, June 19, 2008

Cake Time

Last week, Kim wasn't with us as she was attending her grandmothers funeral. Kids wanted to do something for her to make her feel better. It was their idea, to make her a cake. We went out last week and bought the mix but hadn't had a chance to bake it yet. Tonight as Isaac got off the bus, I said let's bake the cake tonight. He looked at me kind of funny as if to say, i don't want to do it tonight. He then looked at me and said "Actually, I've invited Friends over tonight" I amost burst out laughing... Really, i said. Who have you invited... he went throught list of 5 or 6 of his friends that he'd invited at school... i said, what are you going to do? He said "I'm going to give them stickers that I got from Chuckie cheese" Ok, didn't think to much of it until around 7:00 when I spot him sitting on the couch with his stickers all lined up and he looks at me with those sad puppy dog eyes " where is everybody daddy" Poor little buddy... in the end though, kim got her cake

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