Tuesday, October 28, 2008

All Wiggled Out

Took the kids to Kingston tonight to the new K-Rock centre to see the wiggles. They were pumped

The Wiggles are #1 grossing entertainment group from Austrailia. One would think movie stars such Nicole Kidman, Russel Crowe or even Mel Gibson (pre anti semetic comments) would be the highest, but it's the wiggles. After going to the show, there's no question how they do it. The franchise is a cash cow. They somehow convince parents to buy flowers and bones from them at a hefty price only for kids to give them back to Dorothy the Dinasor and Wags the Dog. Then they turn around and sell em again. It's genious... I'm smarter than that tho... I paid $20 for a magic wand that flashes... oh wait a minute perhaps they are smarter yet again... i've been duped.

Kids had a great time and were dancing and singing along. Isaac was rather sad before the concert and I couldn't figure out why... "It's because it's snowing outside daddy" why would you be sad it's snowing? "Because i haven't been able to jump in the leaves a lot" oh heavens, kid, get over it. As we were walking from the car to the arena, Eva walked straight through a giant puddle and gave herself the worst soaker and looked us like, "ok, what are you going to do about this... my socks are wet" These kids... ah well, fun times

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