Saturday, December 13, 2008

In The Village

After hockey today, we were driving home and what to our wondering eyes should appear... but Mr. & Mrs. Claus. So we had to get out... and as you can see, closer we got, the more Eva Freaked out. I asked if she was afraid and she replied, no, i was cold. Old Frigid St. Nick.

Also walking down the street... Blitzen and Prancer. Kids weren't allowed to get that close because of all the "Reindeer" Games and because they were hanging out in front of the City Hotel, not your most kid friendly enviroment if you know what I mean.

Isaac pipes up, you know who my favorite reindeer is... i expect to hear either Blitzen, Prancer or most likely rudolph. Nope, Dasher. Still not sure why but that's his favorite. What's not to like about Dasher.

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