Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Morning

Pics of the kids hunting for chocolate

I had hidden the chocolates and clues over the house. For the first time, Isaac actually read the clues himself (with a little help) I am beginning to realize that our kids are getting bigger and growing up. Some of the little things he used to say like "Maple Seersop", "Michael Murphis" and having "Hoooool's" in his socks, he no longer says. Our boy is growing up. Eva, still don't understand all that she says and its' yet to make total sense. And I love it!!!

Was rather proud of our kids. They would find 2 eggs hidden together and the one would take one and leave the last one for each other. Pretty cute. They played really well together until they sat on the couch and began to pound on each other... but it was cute while it lasted.

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