Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

So I've managed to get my blog updated a little bit before christmas. I will be honest and tell you that I would be fine if Christmas passed me by this year and didn't come at all. But in the midst of our trials and journey, God showed has shown himself and brought new meaning to Christmas Joy. We've had so many down days that I marvel and take solace in the good days and the many blessings that God Brings us.
On Monday, I was in the hospital with mom and one of her bronchial tubes appeared to be leaking and the chest tube that was in her side was hooked to an apperatus that monitored the discharge and it showed that there was a leak. The remedy according to the doctor was to send her to kingston and perform a surgery to fix it to allow them to take the tube out. As mom is not a candidate at all for surgery, this was not an option and things appeared very upsetting and very bleak. Dad was away and it was just mom and I together in the room. Mom asked if we would pray and I did and asked God in his wisdom and mercy to allow the leak to heal on its own and asked for peace. Yesterday, I was in for a visit again and Mom appeared to be more upbeat, still very very weak but in good spirits. As we were talking, i happened to look over at the apperatus and noticed the "leak meter" wasn't bubbling. I asked mom to breathe heavy to see if it would bubble. It did not bubble. I remained cautiously optimistic but hopeful. Last night, I received a call that her doctor was in and had seen enough to say that she planned to clamp off the chest tube and monitor the lung to see if it stayed inflated on it's own. Again, good news and a step in the right direction. This morning, i checked in with mom and this was the news... "i don't know what I did, but the chest tube fell out last night in the night" Again, I am cautious but as of 11:00am her lung is functioning on its own and she has no chest tube. Why is it that when we pray to the Lord and ask for his healing touch, we act surprised when he responds.

Last night in the midst of this, our family along with 2 others venutred out in the snow storm to Roslin and went to the home of our little friend Delaney. There with Candle flashlights in hand and words to O Come All Ye Faithful and Silent night, We stood outside their door in the snowy night and sang. There was something so special to see this family who we've been praying for so much, come to the door and for our children to see Delaney and to see her smile. Then as we were singing, Delaney went over and got on her winter boots, put on her coat and hat and mits and came out and actually sang a song with us. It was sooo special.

I often joke and muse about something being a christmas miracle but in this journey that we've been on this holiday season, yesterday i've witnessed two christmas miracles.
My Mom is still very very weak and needs our continued prayers and Delaney has a long journey ahead but for today, this christmas eve, I am brought to tears in thankfulness for God's many blessings and for the joys he brought me yesterday. To God be given all the glory...

And with a heart full of thanks i truly wish to say... "MERRY CHRISTMAS" everyone
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Carol said...


Wendy said...

I continue to pray for both your family and little Delaney.

May God Bless all of you, this Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Amen, to God be the glory... The only one who deserves it all...

Anonymous said...

praise GOD, i have been praying for delaney and her family, ...yes i agree amen and amen. love and blessings , nancy chamberlain. xx oo

Anonymous said...

I've been praying too Bruce, so glad to hear your Mom is doing better!!! God is soooo good! I keep asking him to "help me in my unbelief.." like the man in the Bible, as I lift up so many prayers begging for a touch from the Master. I know what you mean about feeling surprised when he gives us one of His "good gifts". Merry Christmas to all the Mackays!
love, Brenda Coolidge.