Thursday, December 08, 2005

17 Days Til Christmas

I Have too much to do til Christmas. I was at a church finance meeting last night, everyone wants more money in their budgets. The fact that we were under budget this year by about $15,000 and that if we don't change anything, our expenses are going up by $13,000, we've gotta try and find another $28,000 not to mention all the extra money that every ministry and their mother wants. I don't know... All I do know is that the Bulls played last night and I'm not exactly sure what I agreed to at the end of the meeting in order to ensure things wrapped up so I could get to the game. Perhaps our parking lot is getting paved... I just don't know. Then I get home and Isaac decides he would like to stay up and cry from Midnight til 2:00am because he wanted me to lie down with him. We had a battle of the wills, he was going to learn, if he woke up in the middle of the night, he'd have to go back to sleep on his own, he doesn't need us. The battle of the wills commenced at 11:45pm and promptly ended at 2:07am... I lost.

1 comment:

jamie said...

Another victory for the United League of Children. Will it never end????