Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Stanley Cup

Isaac was devestated the the Senators lost last night.

After watching the re-run of the hockey game, Isaac took it all in. Tonight we had to play hockey downstairs and he was Michael Murphis 'the hockey player'. He declared himself the winner of the Stanley Cup and then had to arrange Tanya, Eva and Myself with the stanley cup so our picture could be taken. After doing this for about 15 minutes with his imaginary camera, i decided to actually take a real picture of the the Mackay's with our giant stanley cup. I'm amazed at his imagination and his retention. During our games downstairs, we have to sing the national anthem and he always takes his goalie mask off and sways from side to side. Tanya and I are just imagining him during his first day at school during the national anthem, there our boy will be, head bowed and swaying side to side

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Lisa said...

Awww, that's so cute! I can just see him doing that at school - so funny!

Lisa said...

p.s. hey what's with the new link to MC hammer's blog? You're still a big fan eh? You were always great at bustin' a move.

Edge Dude said...

Wanted to see how long it would take for someone to figure see i had done that. Congrats lisa, you do have the eagle eyes, but not for facebook i guess. Was never a big hammer fan but I started following his rise and fall from the public a few years ago. He became a christian and some of my radio stuff referred me back to his blog... thought it was funny so I put it up there