Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Scars of Church

I was walking in to church this morning holding Isaac's hand and he was holding Eva's. He did a little trip and fell and because he was still holding her hand, he knocked her over and she landed square on her nose. I'm anticipating the Childrens Aid to come and visit this afternoon.

It's been a busy week but a good one. We got a call on Friday afternoon that Isaac would be starting hockey this weekend... actually in about 4 hours after their call. I hadn't got all of his equipment yet, so after work, I rushed around like mad, picked up some things, got to his practice... and he's sound asleep in the back seat. Ah well. He played his first game saturday and did not too bad. He's so little that his pants reach the top of his skates, there's really no need for hockey socks.

In the afternoon, we put eva down for her nap. About 10 minutes later, i heard some funny noise coming from her room. Tanya went down to inspect, opened the door and here is eva, standing in her room after figuring out how to flip out of her crib, just standing there and then says "I don't wanna go to sleep" Ah great. After a quick trip to toys r us, eva now has a gate across her door to keep her in there although i'm assuming she'll figure that out too.

Isaac had a playdate with some friends from school. Got to meet the infamous twins Hemza and Asaad. He had a good time.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor baby!!!