Thursday, July 10, 2008

X Marks The Spot...

When I was home with Isaac on Tuesday, He was determined to draw pictures for all his party guests that came to his birthday. He spent the entire afternoon drawing spiderman pictures, asking me how to spell their name and what their age was...

He was doing more of the same yesterday with Tanya and he explained what he was doing. If the people were nice to him, he put their age on the back of the picture... If people are mean to him, then he'll mark the back of the picture with an X. So went through his pictures and were relieved to see Tanyas picture has a 35, mine has a 37 on the back. Of the 15 or so pictures that he did, there was 1 with 3 x's on the back... you guessed it... It was Eva's.

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Paul said...

lol that is HYSTERICAL!!

I'll talk to him....

x's are mean...

he should just push her off the roof

Anonymous said...

LOL....poor Eva!

God bless you all,