Tuesday, March 24, 2009

She's Nuts

On saturday, determined to do at least one fun thing over march break with the kids, we venutred out to the pirate ship. It was pretty cold but we had a good time. When we got there, there was a little boy from isaac's school who had 2 other friends with him. Isaac began to hang out with them a bit and Eva was not far behind. A sheepish Isaac came over to let me know that one of the boys had called Eva a bad name. The protective father in me stepped up and demanded that he tell me what they said and I was going to bring these young boys to task. I had to push Isaac extremely hard and then he finally relented and said, "but it wasn't me who said it" ok ok ok, what did they call her... "well daddy, they said, She's Nuts" I was expecting far worse. I asked, why did they call her that and then he explained to me that Eva had told them a joke... the joke you ask... "knock, knock" who's there.... Stinky shoes... ha ha ha" yeah, she is a little nuts!
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