Friday, May 30, 2008

I Love My Kids

As busy as life gets, as crazy as things go, I'm convinced children are a true gift from God. A gift that he gives us to keep us humble and also to make us laugh. The following story just catches a glimpse into the personality and character of our two kids. Isaac went to a birthday party on the weekend and got a loot bag. Tonight as we were going through the loot bag, there was a punching balloon... the ones that blow up really big with the elastic. Blew it up and the kids were just giddy playing with it. Both kids were fighting over the balloon, Eva losing most of the battles and usally ended up with her in tears. Anyway, the balloon went up in the air, hit the light and burst. Isaac went running in to the other room in tears, heartbroken that his balloon had burst. Eva, mere moments ago in tears herself, seeing her older brother in distress, sprang into action. She went running up stairs, ran by her mother muttering the words... "gotta get tape... gotta get tape" I came up and this is what i found... eva with the busted balloon, attempting to piece it back together with tape. Made my heart melt.

A few other stories of the day that made me smile...
Our potty training woes continue. Eva usually going on around the house wearing nothing but a shirt and a smile. Sitting on her little potty from time to time but crying and unwilling to actually do her business on the potty. After supper, she was running around the living room, she stopped for a moment, sat on the potty (which is in the living room) and then began to scream.... "Daddy... It's WORKING it's WORKING" Sure enough, it had worked.

It's now after 10:00. Isaac has been asleep for more than 2 hours... Eva still awake in her room talking non stop to herself. Tanya just walked by, looked in and said "EVA, go to sleep" and Eva stuck up her finger, pointed to her mother and said "When are you going to sleep"

I love my kids

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1 comment:

Paul said...

the first story made me cry.... I love your kids too...

the heart of that little girl, is going to touch the world someday..... already is