Thursday, January 19, 2006


I was reminded this week that I am much like my grand father Mackay, who worried all the time. A troublesome incident occured in our life this week and of course I didn't sleep or eat, just worried. As I get ready for my bible study tonight, it's in phillipians 4 - "Be Anxious about nothing but present your requests to God" But sometimes, it's just easier to worry!

I often wonder what my Grandfather would have been like if he lived in today's enviroment. I remember taking 6 hr trips from Quebec to our home and if we were 15 minutes late, he'd have called 5 times at our home number to see where we were. Can you imagine what our cell phone costs would have been like if Grampie had access to it? Where are you now. Oh, Richie texted us again to see where we are...

I miss my Grampa...

1 comment:

Paul said...

that made me cry... I miss Grampie too..... one of the strongest images I have of Grampie is the silhouette of him, in the little window upstairs at the apt in Sawyerville.... watching for us to arrive... I bet he'd stood there for the whole 6 hours......
