Monday, July 27, 2009

Retirement at the age of 6

After a very long weekend of soccer which ended trimphantly, Isaac started asking me questions at bedtime last night. He wanted to know when you were done playing hockey and soccer. I said, well you're done soccer now and he quickly jumped in and said, no, how old are you when you stop playing them. I said you can play as long as you want and that daddy was 38 and he still played hockey. 20 minutes went by, i thought they were in bed asleep, and out comes a down and dejected isaac, walked out of the room. I said, What's up bud to which he replied...

"When Hockey is over this year, i'm going to quit sports. I'm going to quit sports for 3 years" Tanya and I both started to laugh because it caught us right off guard. I then asked, why are you going to give up sports? to which he replied "I wanna spend more time with family"

Guess he's been watching to much NHL netork and rehersing what the pro's say when they retire. Too funny.
He awoke this morning however and in a reverse decission has decided he would like to play baseball next year. Retirement lasted 12 hrs.
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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cooling down after a long day

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Soccer is over

Glad to see this weekend come and go and glad to have our tuesdays and wednesdays back!
Isaac's team played so well. Won both games on saturday and in the semi finals due to a clerical error, he ended up having to play at 9, then again at 10 and then in the finals at 1. They played so hard and played their hearts out. The yellow team came out flying and got out to a 3-0 start. Blue stormed back and won the championship 7-5. Isaac ended the year with 8 goals (just like his jersey number) and really played well in net. Way to go Sky Blue

Orange finished on Saturday and all of the players came so far from when we first started. My objective for Eva was that she would stay on the field realizing she is made very differently from her brother. She ended up the year with 4 goals and has discovered that she's actually quite good in net. Very proud of my little diva.
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Off to the Semi Finals

In what i call a nervous habit, isaac hikes his shorts up half his backside. Yesterday, he was just a hiking them. Played net and played well

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Team Orange

We won the first game 8-1. Eva actually scored a goal (on her own, with no help from dad) and also played great in net. She's really discovering netminding and did really well. Reflecting on how she played at the beginning of the year and how she plays now, i'm very proud of her. My goal was to have her stay on the field she surpassed my expectations

In a move only capable by the wonder BYSC, they had our 2nd game scheduled against the Thursday Orange team. Yeah, that would have been great... thankfully, they switched it

On friday night, eva was having some issues as she wasnt' sure where she was going to keep her medal. For the record, we've found a spot and the medal is doing just great

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The Stanley Cup

We had just a few minutes between soccer games to swing by the A&P and try and get a glimpse of the stanley cup. The line up was hurrendous so we kinda cheated and went and stood in front of the get and got our picture taken... hey, it works

Never been a Matt Cooke fan but hey, the kid is local and he's a stanley cup winner so of course we're claiming him for our own now. Former stirling blue and centennial secondary grad so how bad could he be. Way to go Matt

The line wrapped around 3 times... craziness
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Friday, July 24, 2009

Wedding Entrance

Classic originallity. Trying to convince my friend Bryan and his fiancee Jen to do this...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Intelligencer (Belleville), 23 Jul 2009. Pages 10 - 11

The Intelligencer (Belleville)
23 Jul 2009
Isaac got his picture in the front page of the sports section of the intel today.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Where's Doug Live?

So during prayer tonight, the kids got into their routine and prayed. They are so quick and its hard to understand them so I'm trying to get them to slow down, be more meaningful and just talk to God. After prayer time, we talked and I said, it's good to talk to God isn't it. What should we say when we talk to God and I got various answers. Then Eva just started talking none stop about her opinions (which is ironic since their little bible study tonight was about listening first and talking second... glad to see that one sunk in) Anyway, Eva started yipping about talking to God but he wasn't listening. I said, God always listens and then she said, but he doesn't say anything to which Isaac replied, that's because he lives far away. Then she replied, Where does Doug Live?....

Ummm, you mean God Eva?!!! Yeah... Heaven.

The Doll House

When Tanya was 4 years old, her grand dad jones, made her a doll house. Over the years it had gotten worn with pieces broken. Tanya's brother Trevor graciously took the doll house and renovated it and presented it to Eva who is also 4. Very sentimental piece of family history handed down 22 years after it was originally made... ok i might be off at that number by about 10 or so but I'm trying to gain points with the mrs!

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Saturday, July 18, 2009


Isaac has been watching a new tv station these days, RETRO CARTOONS. Bugs & Tweety, Smurfs, Spiderman, etc... pretty cool stuff. Takes me back to my youth. Anyway, they have a higher than normal amount of informericals on this station. A few weeks ago I went on and on about how much I wanted the Shamwow and i was going to have to pick one up next time i was at canadian tire to which isaac grabbed the remote, backed up the commerical and let it run and when it said "Not available in stores" to which he paused and looked at me like, duh dad, can't be done.

The funny thing is, he buys right into everything they say. He ran in and got tanya one day during the SMOOTH AWAY Commercial. "mommy mommy, come and watch, i think you might like this" So tanya watched it and then he pipes up, "And it comes with a small one for your small parts" Tanya about lost it.... "And if you order today, you get another one free" Too Funny

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Faithy is coming into her own
Smiles lots and knows what she wants... and what she doesn't want too.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New Building

Took staff this morning for a brief new of the new building. Structure is up and windows will be going in today.

Above is picture of Dad and I with our Builders, Kyle & Mitchel Den Ouden
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Soccer Pics

I know i'm a bit prejudiced and biased, but man this girl is a cutey. Thankfully she gets her good looks from her mother. Her stubborness perhaps as well... oh man, did i say that out loud!!!
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