Saturday, July 18, 2009


Isaac has been watching a new tv station these days, RETRO CARTOONS. Bugs & Tweety, Smurfs, Spiderman, etc... pretty cool stuff. Takes me back to my youth. Anyway, they have a higher than normal amount of informericals on this station. A few weeks ago I went on and on about how much I wanted the Shamwow and i was going to have to pick one up next time i was at canadian tire to which isaac grabbed the remote, backed up the commerical and let it run and when it said "Not available in stores" to which he paused and looked at me like, duh dad, can't be done.

The funny thing is, he buys right into everything they say. He ran in and got tanya one day during the SMOOTH AWAY Commercial. "mommy mommy, come and watch, i think you might like this" So tanya watched it and then he pipes up, "And it comes with a small one for your small parts" Tanya about lost it.... "And if you order today, you get another one free" Too Funny

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