Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Circus....

Overheard in the car tonight...
EVA - "Daddy, we going to the clown show?"
ISAAC - "Eva, it's not called the clown show, it's the circus. Say circus"
EVA - "But I don't know how to say circus"
ISAAC - "But Eva, You Just Said It"
EVA - "Stop talking Isaac, you're making me a headache"

Mid way through the circus, Eva had to go to the washroom. She then informed me, when she grows up she knows who she's going to marry. Curious, i asked and then she informed... You Daddy. Ummm, Illegal there eve, sorry, not allowed to be done in most states except for Utah

and i quote...
"We're shriners, we know how to have a good time, we wear a fez, and we help the less fortunate"...

I'M IN!!! The dream is still alive

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