Sunday, July 19, 2009

Where's Doug Live?

So during prayer tonight, the kids got into their routine and prayed. They are so quick and its hard to understand them so I'm trying to get them to slow down, be more meaningful and just talk to God. After prayer time, we talked and I said, it's good to talk to God isn't it. What should we say when we talk to God and I got various answers. Then Eva just started talking none stop about her opinions (which is ironic since their little bible study tonight was about listening first and talking second... glad to see that one sunk in) Anyway, Eva started yipping about talking to God but he wasn't listening. I said, God always listens and then she said, but he doesn't say anything to which Isaac replied, that's because he lives far away. Then she replied, Where does Doug Live?....

Ummm, you mean God Eva?!!! Yeah... Heaven.

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