Thursday, March 08, 2007

Battle of the Wills Part Deux

So Eva had gotten into the habit of waking us up at 3 or 4. Her teeth or her nose usually woke her up and then she would cry and carry on until we would bring her into bed with us. She'd gotten a little better but not last night. I've been up late lately trying to cram and get my continuing education done for my life licence renewal. Just finished the exams last night and got to bed just before 1. Eva decides to wake up at 4:15 and let out these blood curling screams. I kept letting her cry... this was a battle of the wills and I was going to win. After checking on her to make sure she was fine, i just put her down in her crib and let her cry. This continued on... for an hour and a half and FINALLY she fell asleep tired & exhausted... and content sleeping between her mom and her dad.... EVA 2, Dad No Score.

After a brutal night, i was a little ticked with her but she's rather hard to stay upset at. She went into our closet and pulled out her jolly jumper (which she really should have outgrown last year) and said "JUMP" We put it up in the doorway and I've never seen her jump so high and she laughed and giggled like nothing was wrong and that she'd gotten the best possible sleep. AhYay....
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