Saturday, March 10, 2007

Birthday Pics

The discouragement of getting older is dimished by sharing the fun of the "Party" with my kids. They were so excited. Isaac was actually keeping a secret and wouldn't tell me what kind of cake he helped mommy make and he wouldn't tell me what he got me as a present. It was pretty funny tho, as soon as we walked in the door, he ran upstairs and went in the gift bag and pulled out the shirt and yelled as loud as he could... "DADDY, WE GOT YOU A GREEN SHIRT" It was pretty funny.

We're planning to go to the county today to a maple syrop place. We'll have to see with the weather. Isaac was traumatized this morning... I hear him mumbling under his breath... "Oh no, not again, another HOOOOL in my sock. Let's Get Gramma to fix em" Darn those socks.
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1 comment:

Catherine said...

Happy B'day Bruce!! Great pics!