Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Daddy & Me Day

Kids Babysitter is off this week so we needed to make some alternate arrangements. I ended up taking the day off today and spent the day with the kids. Went to the Bulls Practice this morning, then to Mommy's work and a stop at McDonalds. Seemed like a good idea at the time until I got there and realized it was March Break and every one and their mother had the same idea as me.

Kids enjoyed going on the slides. Isaac was too scared to climb up the big one but would only do so if Eva climbed up with him... She declined.

I put Eva down for a nap around 1 and had to wake her up at 4. Isaac of course wasn't tired but after I came out at 4 with Eva, this is what I found... sound asleep.

A good day in all, back to the grind tomorrow. A couple of funny things from the day:
1. Isaac wanting to go with daddy to the Ottawa 69's game
2. While brushing his teeth, he somehow bit his tongue and was insistant that Eva Kiss his tongue better. Crying away and sticking his tongue out of his mouth and sobbing "EVA, KISS IT" was rather humerous. Fortunately, she declined this as well.
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