Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 17 - January 17

Great day at church today and then home for some... wait for it... wait for it.... Swiss Chalet. I know a real shocker i'm sure. After lunch I ventured out with the boy and the diva to Brighton to watch my nephew rhys play hockey against the brighton braves. Rhys' wore # 99 and it was neat to see him play. home for games night, eva picked out hullabaloo, one of isaacs favorites but isaac was going to sit out in protest because eva picked it out, not him. He loves that game but because he didn't pick it, he didn't want to play it. Stubborn as a mule that kids sometimes. After some discussions, we all agreed to hullaballu.

While at my folks last night, saw a picture of my grandmother Mackay. Not sure why i felt like posting her pick but i just did. She's been gone for 6 years now... For as long as I can remember, she always used to say, well, i'm pretty near 100 you know... anyway, when she died she was in her 98th year... almost 100

Grammy Mackay had a zest for life. I remember in her later years at the nursing home, after she had a fall and hurt herself, she had to be restrained in her room on her chair from time to time. They used to call her houdini because she'd either get out of it or somehow manouver herself, restrained and all to wherever she wanted to be. When asked, how on earth did you get over there vivian, she'd reply, "just like this"

A few years ago, Eva somehow got in and out of her crib and we were in amazement and said, how did you do that.... "just like this" From her falling and her zest for life, it's no wonder the similiarities between eva and her great grand mother mackay, for whom one of her middle names, Vivian, is named after
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