Monday, December 18, 2006


So our good friend Lisa told us that her mom always unpacks the toys for christmas and unties them twist ties and tape from the package and puts the toys back in the box so that on christmas morning the kids can open their gifts and play with the toys right away. Sounded like a good idea at the time, was up til pretty near 1:00am unpacking and repacking toys. It was a ton of work but at least i've taken that part of it away at Christmas... you know the part where the kids are "Open it daddy, why won't it work daddy, take it out of the box daddy..." You know that part of it!. The good thing too was that we "had" to play with all the toys to make sure they were working and had batteries. We had gotten Eva a Tickle Me Elmo a while back and that thing is hilirious. I'm sure she'll have fun with it.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is such a good idea!!
Elisabeth Hymus