Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Classic Fool

So I'm attributing the stress of the holidays to my latest slip up. Tanya has a work pot luck tomorrow so at lunch today, we went to dewe's and picked up some ingredients for her to make a salad. Took them back to the office and put them in the fridge. At 5:00, tanya called to remind me to bring them home. Yup, no problem. I was finishing up some things left around 5:30... got home.. Stink... guess what I forgot. Sorry honey, groceries are still at work, i know you reminded me but I forgot. No problem, Isaac and I had a gift delivery to make after supper, we'll head back to the office to pick them up. Went all the way back in, got a few other things and picked up the bag of groceries. I got home, pulled into the garage and that's when it hit me. I picked up "the" bag of groceries, not "both" bags of groceries. Have I lost it? Am I a Timmy? So I came in, put the kids to bed and hi ho hi ho, back to work I go for the third stinkin time tonight. I am now home again and happy to say, all groceries are here and in tact. To quote my good friend George Castanza, to all of tanya's co workers I hope you like "the biiiigggg salad"

I'm going to bed before I do any more damage... I need a holiday....

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