Monday, December 11, 2006

Work Christmas Party

So looking back in 20 years, we'll remember the fun christmas parties, pagents etc... with the kids and luckily our memories will block out the not so fun memories. The memories of rushing like crazy to get to church, kids crying as we throw them into the vehicle, rush like crazy to drop them off at their class so they can go up to the front of the church to sing away in a manger, only to have him last 4 1/2 seconds on stage before he freaks out. I'll choose to forget rushing out after church to pick up take out and scarf it down so we can rush off to Tanya's work Christmas party and throw on Isaacs skates only to have 10 minutes left of skating. I'll ignore the fact that Isaac was more excited about watching the Girls Hockey Game that was going on afterwards than the Christmas Party Itself. I will however remember Eva Screaming like crazy spotting Santa and not wanting to go anywhere near his knee. I will remember Isaac running up to santa after opening his present and saying thank you. I will also remember poor Isaac's face when he saw Santa drive off in a late model Grand Caravan... "Whats That? Where are the reindeer?"
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