Friday, March 09, 2007

Hi Carol

So on my brothers birthday, my favorite sister posted a large tribute to my brother. I talked to her this morning and advised her I was looking forward to reading my post today. It's 5:23 and still no post. Paul was so kind as to write me a eulogy but Carol was unable to... must have been watching tv or something

(Disclaimer: Thoughts and comments on the above post are not necesarily those of the post owner. Thoughtful consideration for this post is to be given to


Carol said...

It's 11:34 and I just finished! Just under the wire! It's still March 9th. Aren't you going to be sorry you got saucy!!!!

Paul said...

Hey Carol....

no fair...

The tribute you wrote for Bruce was 339 words....

the one you wrote for me was only 281 words...

I shall be waiting for a 58 word make up tribute .....

( the words "GET A LIFE" come to mind, don't they!!! )