Sunday, January 28, 2007

Hotels are just so fun

Eva woke up at 4 and has been up talking and just having a good ol time so we brought her in to bed with us so Isaac wouldn't wake up. Just started to fall back asleep around 5:45 when i hear our hotel door trying to open. I'm thinking to myself, Housekeeping, this is ridiculous. Then I realize, that is our son, trying to escape to the hallway. Luckily we put the latch across. So here I sit at 6:00 in the morning... Tanya and Eva asleep in the other room and Isaac and I in this room watching tv. He just asked me... "How did you sleep daddy" I said Terrible and he responded "I slept Very Good" Yeah, I just love hotels!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.