Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Things I've heard tonight

1. Bath night - they hit the drain by accident and isaac screamed "i'm sinking, i'm sinking"
2. There was a picture online of a young buck snowboard and eva kept piping up, Papa, Papa... dad i never knew
3. Friday night, Tan and I are taking Isaac to see childrens author Robert Munsch at the empire theatre. I told him it was a special night for just Isaac, Mommy and Daddy to which he replied, "What about Eva" and i said she was too small to which replied, "She's bigger, I can't carry her, she's been eating all the food"
Anyway, congrats to Tyler Donati and Matt Pelech for being named to the all-star team. Way to go guys
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Robert Munsch. James got a treasury of something like 15 stories in one book for Christmas. The man is just one of the greats!
