Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday Monday

We've been having some discipline issues with Isaac lately and the weekend away didn't fare well on his behalf. We started a new strategy. He loves to help so Tanya made him a Chores List. She put a few things on his list and his attitude is completely changed... or so we thought. He was doing his work, getting dressed, praying for his food, helping to make his bed, and taking his dirty dishes over to the dish washer. He is very organized and likes to follow a routine... not sure what side of the family he gets that from. He was asking Tanya "What's next on the list mommy" Kid is only 3 1/2 and he's already got a "Honey Do" List. So it was working well and we were feeling quite good about things. not quite 12 hours after the Chores list, his vigor has waned and he's already asked for "cleaning up the toys" to come off the list.

Today was also a big day for Eva. She got her first (and second) time out. That girl has quite the temper on her. Isaac was playing with some toys up at the table and she wanted to climb up and play with them too. Tanya gave her a toy of her own to play with and she picked it up, threw it and hit Isaac in the head with it.... Please pray for us!!

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