Friday, November 24, 2006

Growing Up Too Fast

Today I pre-registered Isaac for Junior Kindergarten for Next Fall. How can this be? I can't help but feel a little sad. Obviously not as sad as I was when I was shut out from the People Magazine Sexiest Man of the year, but none the less sad.

Eva is officially 18 Months old today... I'm 429 Months old and Tanya is 408.

Busy weekend ahead... tomorrow is the dreaded family photo's. Mom, how did you make it look so easy when we were kids carting us in to Pascals at Carfour? Its always a treat trying to get everyone to smile and stop screaming. After the pictures, we're heading up to Newcastle to do our annual cutting down of the christmas tree tradition. We've done it for years now on the last weekend in november... a little early i know but december just gets too busy and there's just something to be said for having to vacuum up all those needles after christmas. The holidays wouldn't be the same without it.

Well, I promised Isaac that I would score him a goal in hockey tonight, a promise which i fulfilled. The story he'll hear is how daddy heroically dipsy doodled around two defenders, fought off another and buried a shot past the goaltender to help win the game. In actual fact it was in the dying minutes of a blow out game, it was a chipshot from behind the net that somehow hit the goalie and went it. It wasn't pretty at all. I'll probably forget to tell him that the goalie was a girl too...

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