Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sunday At Home

Eva was exposed to chicken pox 2 weeks ago in the church nursery and if she's getting it, she'd be highly contagious today so we decided to stay home. Isaac and I went for a long walk this morning up the side rd and went by my old school and isaac's future school. I told him that is where he's going to go next year to which he replied "Jesus and Delaney are gonna keep me safe"

Every day at meal time, we Thank the lord for the food and if I by chance forget to pray for Papa Jones or Gramma Mackay, we have to stop everything and pray for them. Mom's health has been a little better of late and yesterday she was well enough to come and watch Isaac skate for the first time. As I was praying at lunch, I prayed for as always for Papa Jones and Gramma Mackay to which Isaac replied, "Don't Pray for Gramma Mackay, She's all better" Don't worry mom, we'll keep praying for you

Isaac has the memory of an owl. Out of the blue, he asked his mother why she fell down. Inquisitive, we tryed to narrow down what he was talking about. Eventually, we reallized it was from 2004 when she was on a dock carrying him to which he responded, "Mommy, you should be more careful" Forgive and forget my son...

Pictures attached are of Isaac dipping his fingers in the swiss chalet sauce. Last week, we caught him drinking it right from the cup. Nice. What can we say. He really is a Jones. He loves Swiss Chalet.

No Chicken pox yet....

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Paul said...

I LOVED this post..... thank you for letting us all enjoy the journey with you and Tanya and the kids...

As dad put it the other day, our life is a little brighter cause they are in it....

Anonymous said...

Ok that top picture looks JUST like YOU when you were little!! Or at least a whole lot like the little Brucie Mackay I remember. :)

Glenda H